
Miley Cyrus的专辑 - Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert - 所有14首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

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Miley Cyrus2008-01-01专辑 - Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert~~~
★「金髮蒙塔娜 + 棕髮麦莉」超级变身 两个身份同台飙歌★

☆美国票房冠军蒙塔娜3D立体演唱会 首张现场原音精选☆

★创下一年内两张全美冠军专辑 狂销五白金纪录的最年轻艺人★

☆精采收录全美当红青春摇滚三人组Jonas Brothers跨刀合唱曲“We Got the Party”以及“Best of Both Worlds”、“See You Again”…等14首畅销单曲☆

孟汉娜3D立体演唱会7/25 19:00迪士尼频道全台首播

从乡下小女孩变成歌坛小天后;从临时演员变成电视剧大明星,她的真实故事就像从平凡国中生超级变身的「蒙塔娜」,她就是今年未满16岁的Miley Cyrus!在美国,麦莉是无人不知、无人不晓的全方位超人气艺人,她主演的电视剧创下超高收视率、她的电视原声带拿下全美排行No. 1、她的电影登上票房冠军、她的演唱会门票开卖5分钟就销售一空、她被People杂志选为全球百大影响人物、被Forbes杂志评选为2008年身价最高的百位名流之一,如果你还不认识蒙塔娜/麦莉,你就落伍囉!

有个歌手老爸Bill Ray Cyrus的麦莉,于2006年演出迪士尼频道热门电视剧「Hannah Montana」的女主角一炮而红,该影集顺势称霸全美6至14岁族群的收视总冠军;她参与演唱多首歌曲的原声带发行后不仅成为美国流行音乐史上首张荣登公告牌专辑榜冠军的电视原声带,更凭著才三个月不到的销售数字就挤入2006年度畅销专辑第8名;8个月后,麦莉推出结合电视剧第二季原声带与首张个人专辑的『Hannah Montana 2 / Meet Miley Cyrus』,再接再厉写下突破三白金的销售佳绩,晋升为一年之内拥有两张全美冠军专辑的最年轻艺人。

除了电视演出与音乐演唱/创作上大放异彩,麦莉于2007年10月起展开大规模演唱会行程,原本预计演出55场的「Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert」巡迴演唱会,因为门票供不应求不断加场至70场,荣获网络购票系统龙头Ticketmaster认证为2007年秋季全美最畅销的音乐盛会。2008年2月,这场巡迴演唱会的精华实况被搬上3D立体大银幕,上映首週以三千一百万美元的惊人数字(总上映厅数不到一千厅)登上全美票房冠军、刷新立体电影最高销售纪录,为麦莉的辉煌纪录再添一笔。除了全面征服电视、电影、音乐各大排行,麦莉的超人气更让她在儿童选择奖、青少年选择奖上轻鬆抱回「最受欢迎电视女演员」、「最受欢迎女歌手」等奖项…最近还获邀参与美国偶像慈善募款晚会演出、并出任2008年CMT音乐奖、青少年选择奖的主持工作!

为了庆祝门票销售一空、巡迴全美70场的演唱会圆满成功,并为即将推出的全新录音室专辑暖身,迪士尼音乐厂牌特别推出【Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert】原音精选专辑,精采收录以电视人物蒙塔娜与真实身份Miley Cyrus两种不同角色,诠释的“Best of Both Worlds”、“See You Again”、“Rock Star”…等14首畅销排行单曲,让无法身历其境的乐迷也能亲耳感受麦莉的现场演唱魅力与热力!

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

The Hannah Montana train -- which is ever so slowly turning into the Miley Cyrus train as the years go by -- continues with Best of Both Worlds Concert, the CD/DVD set to accompany the Hannah/Miley concert film of the same name. To be clear, the DVD in this set does not contain the concert film; it has a pair of live performances and some miscellaneous behind-the-scenes footage (thereby necessitating the purchase of the film separately). Instead, this is a soundtrack containing 14 songs from the movie split evenly between the fictional Hannah character and Miley herself, although anybody who doesn't follow the show can be forgiven for not noticing the difference between the two personas, as they do sound pretty similar on the surface. Of course, Best of Both Worlds Concert isn't for anybody who doesn't follow the show; this is another souvenir for those fans who can't live without the show, and in that regard it's perfectly fine -- a nice, polished piece of product that will tide them over until the next new Hannah/Miley album comes along (the safe money is on speculation that it will be the first full-fledged Miley Cyrus album at this stage).