
  1. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - 9012Live: The Solos - 所有7首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes2007-06-05专辑 - 9012Live: The Solos~~~ 9012 Live: The Solos proved to be a disappointment. This brief album consists of solo turns by each bandmember, along with two 90125 tracks scarcely changed from the studio versions.9012 Live can hardly claim to be a proper album.
  2. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - The Yes Album - 所有6首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1971-02-19专辑 - The Yes Album~~~ 《The Yes Album》是Yes乐队的第三张录音室专辑,它的问世历程并不轻松。因为前两张专辑市场表现欠佳,乐队必须交出一张足以让大西洋唱片满意的新作,以避免被公司抛弃的命运。1970 年,在英格兰贝辛斯托克演出的归途上,乐队又遭遇车祸,键盘手 Tony Kaye 脚部受伤,令他不得不坐在椅子上打着石膏拍摄这张专辑的封面。所幸《The Yes Album》迎来了突破性的创作成果,在新任吉他手 Steve Howe 加入之后,乐队开始尝试更丰富的吉他风格和编曲样式,不仅布鲁斯摇滚的主轴得以延续,Howe...
  3. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Yes - 所有8首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1969-07-25专辑 - Yes~~~ The album opens boldly, with the fervor of a metal band of the era playing full tilt on "Beyond and Before," but it is with the second number, a cover of the Byrds' "I See You," that they show some of their real range. The song is highlighted by an extraordinary jazz...
  4. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - The Yes Album [Expanded & Remastered] - 所有9首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1971-10-27专辑 - The Yes Album [Expanded & Remastered]~~~
  5. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Close to the Edge - 所有3首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1972-09-13专辑 - Close to the Edge~~~ 《Close to the Edge》是Yes乐队的第五张录音室专辑。它也是Yes最具野心的专辑之一,恢弘的歌曲篇幅挑战着摇滚乐队所能触及的极限。鼓手 Bill Bruford 在专辑录制完成后离开了乐队,如考虑到这一人员变动,专辑名称《Close to the Edge》似乎有了一语成谶的意味。然而,尽管音乐理念时有摩擦,当 Anderson 迷幻无邪、宏大华丽的歌声遇见 Bruford 融合爵士式的精湛技巧,Wakeman 富于古典气质的优雅,Howe 的兼收并蓄,Squire...
  6. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Close To The Edge [Expanded] - 所有7首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1972-09-13专辑 - Close To The Edge [Expanded]~~~
  7. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Tales from Topographic Oceans - 所有4首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1972-09-13专辑 - Tales from Topographic Oceans~~~
  8. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Relayer - 所有6首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1974-11-28专辑 - Relayer~~~
  9. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Relayer - 所有3首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1972-09-13专辑 - Relayer~~~ by William RuhlmannYes had fallen out of critical favor with Tales from Topographic Oceans, a two-record set of four songs that reviewers found indulgent. But they had not fallen out of the Top Ten, and so they had little incentive to curb their musical...
  10. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Tales From Topographic Oceans [Expanded] - 所有6首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1973-12-07专辑 - Tales From Topographic Oceans [Expanded]~~~
  11. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Yesterdays - 所有8首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1975-02-28专辑 - Yesterdays~~~
  12. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Going for the One - 所有5首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1977-07-22专辑 - Going for the One~~~
  13. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Drama - 所有6首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1980-08-18专辑 - Drama~~~
  14. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Tormato - 所有8首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1978-09-08专辑 - Tormato~~~
  15. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Tormato [Expanded] - 所有17首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1978-09-08专辑 - Tormato [Expanded]~~~
  16. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Yesshows - 所有8首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1980-12-19专辑 - Yesshows~~~
  17. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Classic Yes - 所有9首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1981-11-30专辑 - Classic Yes~~~
  18. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - 90125 (Deluxe Version) - 所有15首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1983-06-01专辑 - 90125 (Deluxe Version)~~~
  19. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - 90125 - 所有9首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1983-11-08专辑 - 90125~~~ Japanese exclusive limited edition reissue of 1983 album, packaged in a miniature LP sleeve.90125 is the album that introduced a whole new generation of listeners to Yes
  20. busycy

    Yes的专辑 - Big Generator - 所有8首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

    Yes1987-09-15专辑 - Big Generator~~~