
Sufjan Stevens的专辑 - Enjoy Your Rabbit - 所有14首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

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Sufjan Stevens2001-09-17专辑 - Enjoy Your Rabbit~~~
《Enjoy Your Rabbit》是美国音乐家Sufjan Stevens 2001年的电子音乐专辑。这是一首以中国十二生肖为灵感的歌曲。这张专辑被改编为弦乐,并于2009年发行,名为《Run Rabbit Run》。

这张专辑中的每首歌都对应着中国十二生肖的不同部分,除了《Year of Our Lord》,这首歌与Sufjan许多歌曲一样,都提及了他的基督教信仰。在接受Delusions of Adequacy采访时,Sufjan透露,他“想为每只动物创造一个听觉环境:一个没有电影的电影配乐”。他还描述了听众的想象力与这张专辑的器乐本质之间的关系,他说:“很多人都说过同样的话:当(仔细)听这张专辑时,他们不可避免地会想象出一个地方或一张图片。”也许这就是器乐最初的目的。没有歌词(或叙事)来鼓励听众。因此,你可以自由地想象你喜欢的东西。”

创作专辑的过程“需要极大的耐心和自我克制”,Sufjan指出,他“积累了数小时(数月,数年)的原材料”,直到他“只剩下最微小的样本……它们可能以某种抽象的方式,像一头牛,或者一只公鸡,或者一匹马。就像Sufjan的许多音乐一样,《Enjoy Your Rabbit》在其概念中也有宗教成分,Sufjan描述他是如何“将议论文、自由诗诗节、有说服力的论文和断言……根据农历十二年来证明上帝的存在。”

Enjoy Your Rabbit is a 2001 electronic music album by American musician Sufjan Stevens. It is a song cycle inspired by the animals of the Chinese zodiac. The album was reworked and rearranged for string instruments and released in 2009 as Run Rabbit Run.

Each song on the album corresponds to a different part of the Chinese zodiac, with the exception of "Year of Our Lord" which, like many of Stevens' songs, references his Christian faith. In an interview with Delusions of Adequacy, Stevens reveals that he, "wanted to create an aural environment for each animal: a movie soundtrack (without the movie)." He also described the relationship of imagination in listeners to the instrumental nature of the album, saying, "Many people say the same thing: that they inevitably end up visualizing a place or a picture when listening (carefully) to the album. Maybe this is the purpose of instrumental music in the first place. There are no lyrics (or narrative) to encourage the listener. Therefore you are free to imagine what you like."

The process of creating the album "required tremendous patience and self-abnegation", with Stevens noting that he "amassed hours (months, years) of raw material" until he "was left with the most minute sample of something ... which might somehow, in some abstract way, resemble an ox, or a rooster, or a horse". Like much of Stevens' music, Enjoy Your Rabbit had a religious component in its conception, with Stevens describing how he "put together argumentative essays, stanzas of free verse poetry, persuasive dissertations and assertions ... to prove the existence of God based on the 12-year lunar calendar."