
Jonas Brothers的专辑 - Lines, Vines and Trying Times - 所有13首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

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Jonas Brothers2009-06-16专辑 - Lines, Vines and Trying Times~~~
地表最强偶像 平披头四纪录 空降全美排行冠军 滚石杂志最年轻封面人物

一年之内,连续推出两张叫好又叫座的专辑,10个月之内,先后拿下告示牌专辑榜空降冠军,除了传奇的披头四乐团,还有谁能做到?答案就是—强纳斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)!两年前强纳斯兄弟还是在孟汉娜影集裡客串的小咖,现在他们已经是跻身全球艺人收入排行榜TOP10、跃登滚石杂志史上最年轻封面人物、3张作品同时进入告示牌专辑榜TOP10的超级A咖!而2009年最新大碟【Lines, Vines And Trying Times】,发行首週便强势空降全美流行专辑榜冠军王座,追平前辈披头四的纪录!

强纳斯兄弟在2008年以『A Little Bit Longer』专辑蝉联全美流行专辑榜、网路专辑榜…等5大排行榜冠军,优异的表现为他们赢得无数奖项,其中包括6座全美青少年直选大奖,2座全美儿童直选大奖,2008年全美音乐奖,2008年Billboard巡迴演唱奖,2008年MTV拉丁音乐奖,同时也获得2009年葛莱美最佳新进艺人的提名。强纳斯兄弟历年专辑在全球累积销售达810万张,获得36张金唱片与白金唱片的销售认证。

全新专辑【Lines, Vines And Trying Times】展露了强纳斯兄弟在歌曲创作与乐器弹奏上的成长,他们首度在歌曲中加入管号乐器、口琴、带有踏板的电吉他等乐器,由三兄弟的父亲Kevin Jonas, Sr.以及合作过2008年冠军专辑『A Little Bit Longer』与乐团首张TOP5专辑『Jonas Brothers』的製作人John Fields携手担纲製作。开场曲"World War III",巧妙套用放克一族把恋爱中的对峙局面比喻成第三次世界大战的口头禅,唱出个人的真实经历。专辑首波主打单曲"Paranoid",融合吉他摇滚与流行舞曲的曲式,轻鬆打进全美热门单曲榜TOP40。被选为电影「博物馆惊魂夜2」片尾曲的"Fly With Me",则是强纳斯兄弟与其专属贝斯手Greg Garbowsky携手合写的动人情歌。"Poison Ivy"被滚石杂志专题报导形容为具有Weezer乐团风味的精彩好歌。与同属迪士尼家族的人气小天后麦莉(Miley Cyrus)一起合唱的"Before The Storm",描述的是三人在爱情与人生情感关係上的经验分享。"Much Better"是对长年支持的粉丝表达感谢的歌曲。此外,还力邀葛莱美奖嘻哈天才Common携手合作嘻哈/摇滚唱作曲"Don`t Charge Me For The Crime"。专辑同时超值加收强纳斯兄弟所主演的迪士尼原创影集「JONAS」的主题曲"Keep It Real"。

这次专辑的名称【Lines, Vines And Trying Times】是为了表现歌曲所描述的複杂情感关係,强纳斯兄弟表示:「Lines就是忠言逆耳,Vines是比喻人生路途中的阻碍,Trying Times可以代表感情的磨合期,或是个人的经验,没有人可以倖免,我们都会经历这个阶段。」这张专辑真实呈现强纳斯兄弟这一路以来的努力痕迹,现在也请你一起经历,强纳斯兄弟他们奇幻的音乐旅程。

Lines, Vines and Trying Times showcases an incredible musical journey by the Jonas Brothers, as well as their growth as songwriters and musicians. They've incorporated horns into several songs, as well as harmonicas and peddle steel guitars. The first single, "Paranoid," is a guitar driven dance evoking song, and the entire CD is a veritable smorgasbord of pop and rock gems. "World War III" is a funk metaphor for a confrontational relationship. Written by Nick Jonas, he asserts, "This is a personal experience for me. `World War III' deals with the challenge of a girl who keeps attacking you, provoking you, trying to fight you, but all the while she's the only one fighting." "Fly With Me" which is also the end title credit for the upcoming "Night At The Museum 2" film (due in theaters May 22), was written by Jonas Brothers and their bass player Greg Garbowsky, and is sure to become a love song for the ages. On "Poison Ivy" Jonas Brothers added a horn section. In their summer music preview issue, Rolling Stone described the ultracatchy "Poison Ivy" as a "Weezer-ish tune about a toxic girl that you can't resist." "Hey Baby" is a classic "she done him wrong" song written entirely by Jonas Brothers. "We wrote this song for the last record while on the road and felt the old school sound was more cohesive with our present style," explains Nick Jonas.