
Green Day的专辑 - Bullet in a Bible - 所有14首mp3歌曲下载 2022-04-22

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Green Day2013-10-04专辑 - Bullet in a Bible~~~


风起云涌的90年代乐坛,酝酿多时之乐种开始发酵蔓延,正值重金属音乐势不如前,Grunge引领出的地下之音,带著反叛原始呐喊攻入流行防线;嘻哈饶舌等乐种,更胜节奏蓝调派系,纷涌上榜抹入一片漆黑;然而深受70年代庞克影响的摇滚份子们,有著绝地大反扑之势,犹如Grunge之于Nirvana、Punk则就非Green Day莫属,严然一副新世代年轻文化发声者、带出更为流畅之声线、谱化生动活跃之音符,也为加州孕育一批批年轻庞克后起新秀们,舖上一条康庄大道,延烧至新世纪来临,仍能与嘻哈/饶舌/流行等乐种与之抗衡之重要曲式,稳坐美国新庞克摇滚宝座之经典乐团!

Featuring Green Day's first live DVD, the CD + DVD Bullet in a Bible captures the explosive band on the biggest tour in its career, in support of the Grammy-winning, quadruple-platinum, #1 charting American Idiot punk-rock epic. From two performances filmed in June 2005 before 65,000 fans, both in Milton Keynes in England, to the DVD's documentary segments following the band members around that city as they visit a war museum and various pubs, and share in-depth insights on the making and meaning of American Idiot, Green Day is #1 with a Bullet in a Bible. DVD: Video of the performance with documentary behind-the-scenes footage